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I have social media. Do I need a website?

The power of social media just keeps growing and growing. With millions of people using platforms such as Facebook and Instagram everyday, you can now engage with your target market a lot more easier than before. So why would you still need to invest in having a quality website to sell your product or service? Below 5 very good reasons why having a website is crucial to your business:


Customers’ expectation of any reputable company, is that it has a website. The main reason for this is trust. Customers find comfort in knowing that you have invested the time and resources in developing an official website. This is also very important today with many scams on social media. So it is important to have an online presence. It is the perfect place for customers to find information about you and your products/service, answering many of the questions they may have. This information would also be available 24/7.


Anyone with access to the Internet can find your website, whether that be national or international. It is the perfect gateway to potential customers. So a website really does help facilitate your business and/or brand grow to endless limits.

It also a great tool for advertising. SEO and online advertising is a great way to reach more of your target market.

The Competition

If you don’t have a website, it is likely your competition does. If they don’t, you have the opportunity to gain more customers.


Selling a product or service doesn’t mean you must have a shop or physical store which can be very costly and be an ongoing strain on finances. By selling your product or service via a website, you can avoid these overheads. A website can be used to engage with your customers and also communicate with colleagues.

Knowing your customers

A website can give you a great insight in to how your customers are hearing about you product/service. With the analytic tools available, you can understand how effective your social media and advertising is for your brand. You can also better identify who your typical customer is.

So in conclusion, the Urban Savvy recommendation is to invest in having a quality website built for your business/brand. The Urban Savvy Ltd network focus on providing quality and affordable solutions.

For a free consultation please visit urbansavvy.co.uk

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